
Advice About Lawyers

There are a few simple rules to keep in mind as there are many lawyers in your community and most of them are good lawyers, though some of them are not. In these days of specialization, most lawyers, like doctors, tend to specialize. If you want a will drawn or estate probated you would naturally turn to a lawyer specializing in that type of law. If you are involved in a tax matter you would turn to a lawyer that knows the tax laws. By the same token, if you are hurt on the job and want to know where you stand as far as the Federal Employers’ Liability Act is concerned, you would naturally turn to a lawyer who knows and has worked with this specific area of law.

In selecting a lawyer you should determine their ability to handle cases under the FELA. Ask the lawyer how many cases they have handled and tried before a jury. If they haven’t tried enough of theses cases, they will have a more difficult time dealing with the railroads. You should also ask the lawyer if they are approved by any railroad unions to handle claims on behalf of their injured members and what their fee will be for representing you.

The law firm of Blunt Slocomb, Ltd. has been specializing in FELA cases for over 40 years and is designated legal counsel for the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.